Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I remember one time way back when I was just a little peaker, I used to be a very mean child. I would sometimes pick on other people, yell at kids, and sometimes even ignore them when they would talk to me. I did all this because I thought I was too cool for everyone. I was mean person, talking highly about myself, laughing at other kids, and even making fun of them. I thought I was the best thing around since chicken wings and french fries. I would think I was the coolest person in school and I didn't care what anyone else thought of me. I feel really bad about all the jokes I made about people. I feel really terrible about all the things I used to say to people. Mostly everything I did made me seem like a bad person, when I truely wasn't at all. I only cared about all the people that were cool as well and all the other people that weren't as cool I would make fun of because they were not as cool as me. I feel really bad about all the things that I have done. I don't know why people are mean. I honestly think it is because the world around us is really mean, so we try to help our little ones get prepared for it. This would be the reason why people are so mean to eachother. It is because we were raised to be able to defend ourselves.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


The Alchemist is a wonderful book written by Paulo Coelho. It is about a young man by the name of Santiago trying to find a long lost treasure. He is also trying to find The Alchemist so that he can help him understand the ways of the world. On his journey to find this treasure, Santiago hits many obstacles that come about. He must get through all of them to get to what he is looking for. On his journey to this treasure he deals with tribesmen, stolen goods, and the world itself. He falls inlove with a young women named Fatima. He learns to speak the language of the people. He also learns how to become the wind by finding the alchemist and having him teach him what he already knew.

In my opinion I think that this book was really good. I liked this book because it was very unexpecting and interesting. It had very unexpected events and made you have to give alittle thought into this book. I would tell people to read this book because it also shows you how powerfull the mind can really be. It shows what this young man can do with just his mind and his words. This was a great book and I think that people should read this.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Many things in life today really bother me. One thing that bothers me the most would be other people getting into other people's business. For example lets say you told one person a secret and another person over heard. Now that person goes and tells everyone else and it gets to someone that you didn't want that secret to get too. This is what bothers me. It seems like in today's world people have to go and open their mouth to everyone else. It a must that people must blab out the gossip. The gossip is annoying and the trash talk to people say makes things worse. If everyone wasn't so noisey then maybe the world would be a better place. Since the world always leaks things out then the world wants more and wants to know more about the topic. They want to know what will come out of this topic or what will happen. Its a domino effect.Once one thing comes out of the bag then everything else must fall out to see what else is in there. Nothing in today's world is sacried anymore. You have to keep things to yourself or tell someone with no one around that you really trust.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Stay Out!

In my opinion I dont't think it is okay for someone to invade another person space. Sometimes people go through hard times but most of the time they get over it. Just because you are worried about someone does not mean you should go through there stuff. No matter what the cause may be it still won't ever be right. If you were in the same postion, you wouldn't want anyone to snoop through your personal stuff either. The reason why it is not okay to snoop through people's stuff is because they may have really personal things. In this time of year idenity is always being stolen. People hide stuff so that identity won't be stolen. This is one way people like to hide stuff and by snooping makes the chances greater and may anger the person more then you think it would. Just put yourself in his shoes, if you had things that you wanted to be hidden from people you would not want other people walking around finding it and showing it off. In my opinion privacy is an important matter and should not be messed with. Don't do things to others that you would not want done to you. This is deffenatly a great example of that.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Music to my ears!

My favorite scence in The Odyssey would have to be at the end of the book where Odysseus and Telemachus fight all the sutiors. They massacre everyone in Odysseus' home. All the suitors that were trying to take his kingdom and his wife died of the hands of Odysseus and his son. Anyone that was in that area of them trying to complete the task that Penelope gave them. Everyone paid the consequences of what they were trying to do. No one survived but word travled fast of what had happened.

I like this scence because it has a lot of action involved with it. People are fighting and arrows are being shot. People are trying to run away from death but get stabbed in the back. This scene keeps you awake and leaves you wanting to know what will happen next. I can relate to this because most of the time in life you have to fight for what you want. Its never going to come on a silver platter to you. It goes to show though that Odysseus fought for what he wanted and did everything and anything he could to get back what was his. In a way this scence makes me feel good because it goes to show that you honestly really have to fight for your right.

Click Click Boom by Salvia would be a good song that I think would go along with this scene. This song is very hard and has a strong beat to it. Its just like fighting music. Fighting music is music that when you hear it gives you a burst of energy and makes you feel stronger. Once this feeling hits you its over.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Is it worth fighting for?

My neighborhood is not the richest but it also is not the poorest neighborhood. Its only a one mile town. Its one mile of friendlyness. People in this town are nice and try to help eachother out but then again theres people who keep to themseleves. We have one of the best water ice in town and that would be the Water Ice Factory. Everyone knows everyone in this town because its not that big. Magnolia is also known for its baseball season and its opening days and championships.

My town is not worth fighting for though because its only a one mile town. Its not big enough to be fought for. Not that many people would fight for it either but then again some people would. Some people truely love their town and would do anything for it. I am just one of the people who would not fight for it. Its not a big enough to be fought over. Even if we did make things better it still would not be worth fighting for. I think we should leave things the way they are. Everything is going fine. Not one complant has came about about Magnolia. Plus we honestly don't owe it to anyone. No one owes us anything unless they helped us out and we haven't helped them. Other then that Magnolia should be left alone.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Calypso is a greek Goddess. She is the daughter of Atlas, also known as Atlantis. Calypso was trapped on an island called Ogygia for standing by her fathers side and suporting him during the Titanomachy. Calypso impersioned the Greek hero Odysseus on her island. She tried keeping him captive to make him an immortal husband of her own. For 7 years Odysseus was held captive with Calypso. Odysseus wanted to return home to his wife Penelope because he was inlove with her and was faithful to her. Yet Calypso (a sex goddess) kept him all to herself.

Since there was so much anguish with Odysseus, Athena asks Zeus to release Odysseus from Calypso's island. Zeus agrees with Athena and orders Calypso to release Odysseus. Hermes relayed th the message to Calypso and ordered Odysseus to go home. Even though she did not want him to leave because she grew on him.

In my opinion is that Calypso was a very sexual female but then again very selfish. She held a man captive that did not want to be there in the first place. Even though it sounds like a good place to stay, in reality its not. That is why Zeus order his release. Odysseus returned home to his family.